Original Vintage Posters
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Keith Haring, Pisa 1989

A characteristically exuberant original vintage poster from 1989 by the American artist Keith Haring, promoting the Italian city of Pisa in the year when he unveiled one of his most memorable works there.

Size 83cm x 63cm

Condition  Very good.  If you would like to know more please get in touch.

Background Haring rose from painting graffiti on the New York subway to become a globally recognised exponent of pop art. This poster appeared in the year he created, in Pisa, what is regarded as one of his most important works, the monumental open-air 'Tuttomundo', or 'The Whole World', on a wall of the church of Sant'Antonio in Pisa. He died the following year. 

Artist Keith Haring (1958-90) 

Printer Computer Grafica SBP, Rome

Publisher Comune de Pisa, Provincia di Pisa

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